This is it! From what I gathered from your messages and comments, you like Ad Asstra and wouldn’t mind seeing more of this rag-tag crew of deviants!
I’d like to explore their kinks and sex-preferences in Ad Asstra chapters that follow, while exploring the space-opera theme from a pervert’s perspective. My current plan is to alternate Cummoner and Ad Asstra, but as always I’ll try and pursue whatever seems the hottest idea I have at the time.

Print books- I’m planning to do a small print run of these. They will probably be a bit bigger and more serious than the usual books I print and I might do a gumroad preorder to judge the interest for these. More info, as always, will appear here, on Twitter and my Patreon.

The comic updates twice a week (Tuesdays and Fridays) -thanks to the support of its readers – on Patreon, which is always one page ahead of the free online comic.

I’m active on HentaiFoundry, Twitter and Instagram.
I stream on Picarto most Tuesdays!