Fairy Guide, restock of Tentacle Academy and refresh of Cummoner Shop
The Fairy Guide to the Western Lands is finished! Herbalist Celia took on the challenge of researching and writing it after sorceress Vilga urged her to do it. Tuck even offered to go with Celia, as a protector and (let’s face it) an expert on fairies and their sexuality.
The book is available to read on Patreon (and to download as a PDF/CBZ for higher Patrons), in digital on Gumroad and Lulu, and as a physical book on Gumroad (with shipping on Fridays).
Tentacle Academy was restocked! I printed another 100 copies. Just like the Fairy Guide, it’s available to read on Patreon (and to download as a PDF/CBZ for higher Patrons), in digital on Gumroad and Lulu, and as a physical book on Gumroad (with shipping on Fridays).
The Cummoner Shop section of the website now has links to every shop and such. I don’t actually sell anything through totempole666.com (there are weird taxes in Europe that other websites will take care of for me), but wanted to have one single page to list available things, books, pdfs and so on.
The page isn’t completely finished, some stuff needs additional descriptions etc, but it will be done soon (the TotemPole team is just one man trying to do his best).