It’s December 24th! In Poland, traditionally the most important meal of the holiday takes place on the Eve- and it’s made that much more important (especially for the kids) by the gift-giving that happens upon the spotting of the first star. In fact, in most regions of Poland the gifts aren’t brought by Santa, but by Gwiazdorek (from gwiazda – star) and placed under the tree while the kids patiently look up at the sky to spot the first star (and aren’t educated enough to know that the sun is one).
Whatever traditions are celebrated where you live, I hope you celebrate them in peace, safety and with beings you love- be it friends, family or pets. My fam is visiting Canada and we’re hoping to meet some extended family.
Thank you for reading! Another holiday filler is planned for the 31st! After that it should be regular updates!
The comic updates twice a week (Tuesdays and Fridays) -thanks to the support of its readers – on Patreon and Subscribestar, which are always one page ahead of the free online comic- and every page has a clean version without text bubbles!
I’m active on HentaiFoundry and Bluesky
Hey all!
Have a safe and warm holidays! I’m traveling with my family to visit my birthtown, Ad Asstra will return on Friday!
There are some bonus bunny-girl sketches on Patreon and Subcribestar!
My comics are free to read on this site! But for those who’d like to support them, there are two main ways.
Sorry to interrupt the story. Click backwards for the newest comic page! New one coming on Friday, as per schedule.
The start of Ad Asstra is getting pushed back one update. The comic’s coming along nicely, here are the storyboards for it, 90% complete:
I wanted to have them done or almost-done before I started drawing pages, just in case something important came up that needed me to change the beginning. It should start updating on Friday! And today on Patreon.